About Us

American Bedrock Foundation is an issue advocacy and legal advocacy organization.  The purpose of the Bedrock Foundation is to enable grassroots Citizens to finance the fight to restore America as a Constitutional Republic.

Our organization is legally incorporated in New Jersey as a non-profit organization.

We have chosen the name “bedrock” because the “bedrock” of something is the principles, ideas, or facts on which it is based.

Obviously, one of the “bedrocks” of this country is the Constitution, upon which our country was founded upon.

Our mission is to preserve classic Constitutional principles. As our elected representatives have ignored or failed to uphold these principles, we have decided our last resort — in a republic which structure is designed to defend the rights of the minority — is to vigorously defend the Constitution in the courts.

For too many years those who value Constitutional principles including basic due process, civil rights, freedom from government overreaching and equality under the law have not been able to hire the skilled, tenacious lawyers to fight in court.  After all, our rights are often only as secure as our willingness to fight for them.  Our fundraising mission will permit us to defend these principles, and the people under attack, across the Nation but particularly in the Northeast which has a shortage of skilled lawyers who share our mission.

In addition to underwriting the legal defense in the courts, the American Bedrock Foundation also intends to use pooled resources to make strategic grants to select organizations with both a track record of success in advocating for our principles and a current, defined objective that will efficiently utilize our grant.

We will fight for “bedrock” core principles; hence, our name. You may be deluged with fundraising solicitations from organizations that sound great, but you don’t have the time to decide if they’re really worth your contribution. We intend to be a screen to evaluate and determine which projects, which specific missions, warrant our grant. This way, we can be very efficient with your contribution to us, and we can save you the time and trouble of deciding for yourself how your contribution is best used.

The principles in the Bill of Rights and the preamble of the Constitution are the basis for the principles of the American Bedrock Foundation.

Thank you for your interest in the American Bedrock Foundation.

Please act now.

To make your contributions via Check — Send to:

American Bedrock Foundation
Account: ABF-2024
215 Livingston Street
Northvale, NJ 07647-1723

Or please use one of the following approaches:
Any Member Bank of Zelle network:
email address = donations@americanbedrockfoundation.org
Any other Bill Pay Option using the above name and address.